Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating helps increase enjoyment, awareness and satisfaction with
food. Focusing on eating when you are hungry and stopping eating when
you are full is the first step. Tune in to your physical signals for hunger and
differentiate those from “cravings” or emotional eating. Stop eating before
you are “full” – even if that means leaving food on your plate or saying no to

Another helpful tip is to try to eat before you become ravenous
and are tempted to make unhealthy food choices.

The second step is to remember that in general no foods should be “off
limit” or labeled as “BAD.” Allow yourself to eat without feeling guilt.
However, as you are eating be aware if you are eating to alleviate negative
moods or emotions versus are you physically hungry. Notice how you feel
after you eat. Is it different for less healthy “treats” than when you choose
high-quality, nutrient dense food?

And remember, exercise and move your body daily for your enjoyment –
not to “earn” your food!

Cheering you on!


Registered Nurse and Wellness coach 

Begin to Trim

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